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Payroll Tables Overview
Payroll Tables Overview
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

Payroll tables may be used to customize commissions, pay, and deductions. Tables involve any payroll option that doesn't work based on a straight percentage, i.e. a deduction that gets incrementally larger with a higher gross pay, or hourly pay that increases with the amount of hours worked in a week (overtime). Payroll tables can be reached by selecting Edit Payroll Tables from the Accounting pull-down menu.

Adding or Editing a Payroll Table​

  1. Click the Add button, or select the table to edit and click the Edit button.​

  2. The Modify Table screen will appear.​

  3. Type in the appropriate name of the table, i.e. Products Commission Table.​

  4. On the Modify Table screen, check the Use incremental step box if needed. Use incremental steps when the amount received or deducted is cumulative for each row in the table. For example, if a commission amount from $0 to $100 is $10 and commission from $101 to $200 is $20, then when an employee sells $150, the incremental step commission amount would be $10 plus $20, which equals $30. If a straight table amount was used, the employee would only receive $20 in commission.​

  5. Select the table Type from the following table options:​​

    • Deduction: this can be a tax deduction, employee retirement deduction, or a custom deduction. Because your software makes payroll calculations based on federal tax payroll deduction information, it is extremely important that your tax tables be correct and up-to-date. Verify that these tables are correct and applicable to your business. This information may be edited or added should tax laws change​

    • Income: Product commission: this can be an employee's amount of commission based on products sold​

    • Income: Service commission: this can be an employee's amount of commission based on services sold​

    • Income: Hourly pay: this can be an employee's hourly pay based on a table of hours worked vs. income. A table may be used to enter in overtime amounts for hourly pay​

  6. On the Modify Table screen, use the Edit, Add Row, Insert Row, and Delete Row buttons to manipulate the rows within the table.​

  7. Click the Add Row button.​

  8. The Edit Row screen will appear.​

  9. Enter the appropriate amounts in the Range start and Range end fields.​

  10. Select if the amount of income or deduction is one of the following parameters:​

    • Exact currency amount: is the deduction or income a straight numerical amount​

    • % of gross pay: deduction percentage of gross income​

    • % of products sold: income percentage based on total value of products sold​

    • % of services sold - Backbar: income percentage based on total value of services sold​

  11. Click Save and Add Another.​

  12. Repeat Steps 6-11 until all the table entries are complete.​

  13. Click Save to return to the Modify Table screen.​

  14. After the payroll table is complete, click OK to return to the Payroll Tables screen.​

  15. Use the Test button to enter an amount and have the table return the value. Always test new tables to ensure that they deliver the desired results.​

  16. Repeat Steps 1-15 for each table that you would like to add.​

  17. Click the Close button when finished.

Deleting a Payroll Table​

  1. Select the table to delete.​

  2. Click the Delete button.​

  3. The Are You Sure? screen will appear.​

  4. Verify your selection and click Yes to permanently delete the table from the database.​

  5. Click the Close button to exit.

Configuring an Overtime Pay Table
​Your software allows you to set up an incremental hourly pay table configured to the amount of hours an employee works, i.e. calculate overtime for hours worked over 40 in a week. This example assumes that the employee is paid overtime wages based on weekly hours worked. If you pay your employees overtime based on their daily hours worked or pay period hours worked, you would set up the table accordingly. Also, if employees earn double-time for hours worked over 80, an extra row would have to be added to accommodate that.

  1. Make sure that the hours the employee works is based on time clock settings.​

  2. Select Payroll Configuration from the Accounting pull-down menu.​

  3. Double-click in the box underneath the desired employee and in the same row as Hours Worked.​

  4. The Hours Worked screen will appear.​

  5. Select Hours based on time clock entries.​

  6. Click OK.​

  7. Click OK to return to the main screen.​

  8. Select Edit Payroll Tables from the Accounting pull-down menu.​

  9. The Payroll Tables screen will appear.​

  10. Click the Add button.​

  11. The Modify Table screen will appear.​

  12. Enter the appropriate name of the table, i.e. Income: Hourly Pay (Including Overtime).​

  13. Select Income: Hourly pay in the Type section.​

  14. Select which type of hourly pay table this is from the pull-down list:​

    1. Base on pay period hours: the total number of hours worked in the pay period will be used to obtain the table value.​

    2. Base on weekly hours: the total number of hours per week (7 days) will be used to obtain the table value. If more than one week is included in the payroll time range, the time range will be broken into week (7 day) segments.​

    3. Base on daily hours: the total number of hours worked per day will be used to obtain the table value. If more than one day is included in the payroll time range, the time range will be broken into day segments.​

  15. Click the Add Row button.​

  16. The Edit Row screen will appear.​

  17. Enter the appropriate pay for the appropriate number of hours, i.e. for 0 to 40 hours of work, enter in $10.​

  18. Click Save and Add Another.​

  19. Enter the appropriate overtime pay for the appropriate number of hours, i.e. for 41 to 80 hours of work, enter $15 if they receive time-and-a-half.​

  20. Click Save.​

  21. Click the Use incremental step box at the bottom left corner. When payroll is run, your employee will be paid $10 for every hour worked during the first 40 hours and then $15 for every hour worked over 40.​

  22. Click OK to return to the Payroll Tables screen.​

  23. Click Close to exit.

Importing Payroll Tables
You can import your own payroll deduction tables in several ways. The information you are importing needs to be in a text file (.txt) or a database deduction file (.ddf) format. A .ddf file can be generated using the Export Payroll Table function. Text files can be either comma or tab separated variable files. These files should contain two columns. The first column should be the To value (or the end range), and the second column should be the Amount.

Sample Text File 1:

  • 100, 5

  • 500, 7.5

  • 1000, 11

  • 2000, 14.5

Would result in the following deduction table:

​You can also import amounts based on percentages rather than dollar amounts. To do this, simply include percent signs at the end of each amount in the text file.

Sample Text File 2:

  • 100, 5%

  • 500, 7.5%

  • 1000, 11%

  • 2000, 14.5%

Would result in the following deduction table: ​

  1. Click the Import button.​

  2. Click OK.

  3. Select the type of file(s) you wish to import from the following options:

    • Import a single table from a text file: import one text file from a location on your computer

    • Import multiple tables from an entire directory of text files: import multiple tables from a file directory on your computer

  4. Click OK.

  5. Select the file(s) from your hard drive or another location.

  6. Click Open.

  7. The file(s) will be imported into your software and be shown on the Payroll Tables screen under its original file name.

  8. Select the table you just imported and click the Edit button to view or modify the information. By default, tables will import as deductions.

You can click on the table you just imported and click the Edit button to view the information, or you can click Test and then enter a sample gross pay amount to see how the calculations from the table will work.

Updating Federal Tax Tables
If you have Internet access, you can update the federal tax tables for the United States and Canada directly. Federal table updates typically come out around February of each year.

  1. Select Update/Install/Remove Tax Tables from the Accounting pull-down menu.

  2. The Tax Table Installation and Update screen will appear.

  3. Click on the Check for Updates button and follow the instructions.

  4. Click on the appropriate tax table and click Install.

  5. Click Close when finished.

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