The ticket history for individual tickets can be very helpful in determining when changes were made to tickets, including when different services and products were added and when a ticket was closed.
To access the ticket history, click on the ticket on the Appointment Book and click Appt Details to view the full ticket.
Scroll down to the bottom of the ticket and click View Appointment Log.
When viewing the ticket history, it will display
Date and Time of changes and the employee logged in when the changes were made.
Client name on ticket
Client ID
The ticket status at the end of the changes
The date the ticket is scheduled for
The date the ticket was closed on
Changes to row items
Tender amount
Total for the ticket
These items with be added to the ticket history for each time there are changes made to the ticket.
An example as to when this could be useful is if you are trying to determine if any changes were made to a ticket after it was closed. In this situation, you would navigate to the ticket and bring up the Appt Details screen and then select View Appointment Log towards the bottom right of the ticket. Scroll down the Appointment Log until you see an entry where the ticket status was first listed as Closed. You would then continue to scroll down and see if there are any other entries made. If so, you would want to see what row changes were made or see if the client was changed.
This is just one simple example, but with the Appointment Log you can determine a multitude of different changes and who was signed in when the changes occurred.