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Packages Overview
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 8 months ago

This article will show you how to create, sell and redeem packages through the website.

Creating Packages
1. Go to the More drop-down menu and select Packages.
2. Click on the + icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
3. In the Package Info section, start by giving your package a name, the price you want to charge, and the category in which it will fall under (optional).
4. In the Services & Products section, search for the services and/or products you wish to add to your package.
5. If you want your package to contain more than one of the same services, enter the quantity of the selected service under Quantity.
6. If your clients will typically redeem one of the services when they purchase the package, toggle on Automatically redeem 1 service at time of purchase.

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7. Click on Save when finished.
8. You will be brought back to the packages screen where you can view your created packages, or add more if you wish.

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Selling Packages
1. Start by creating a ticket by clicking on the + icon at the bottom right of the appointment book, or by clicking on Appt Details from the pop-up appt card.
2. Select the client who will be purchasing the package.
3. Under Add Items, type in the package name you wish to sell.
4. Click Schedule.

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5. Note that a service will be scheduled accordingly if you set up the package to Automatically redeem 1 service at time of purchase. If you wish to sell the package without redeeming a service at the time of purchase, you will sell the package through the Checkout page at the top menu bar and click the + next to the service to remove it.
6. Continue to Checkout as you normally would.

Redeeming Packages
1. Start by creating a ticket by clicking on the + icon at the bottom right of the appointment book, or by clicking on Appt Details from the pop-up appt card.
2. Select the client on the ticket.
3. If the client has purchased a package and has services remaining, the option for Redeem Package will show under Add Items.
4. Click on Redeem Package and select the service that the client is redeeming.
5. Click Schedule in the upper right-hand corner.
6. After the service is complete, continue to check out through the Checkout page, or by clicking Check Out on the ticket.
7. During checkout, you will notice that the price of the client’s service is priced at $0. This is because the client has already paid for the service in advance when they purchased the package.
8. Click on Proceed to Checkout to complete the transaction as you normally would.

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**Prepaid Services & Commission - The same rules apply to prepaid services as to normally sold/scheduled services. If you are using Payroll, commission is awarded only when a service is performed and not when it is sold, meaning the employee will receive commission when the package item is redeemed.

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